14-Month-Old Baby: Feeding, Sleep, and Milestones by Month

At 14 months old, your little one is cruising through the toddler stage, learning new skills and reaching new milestones. They’ll continue to explore their environment and learn more about the world every day. The wild ride of toddlerhood continues, so brace yourself for what’s ahead. Let’s dive into your 14-month-old’s milestones, their sleep schedule, how much they should weigh, activities to do together, and more!

As your baby progresses through the toddler stage, they’ll expand their growing list of milestones. Here are some developmental milestones your 14-month-old will expand on:1

  • Standing alone without support
  • Possibly taking a few steps unassisted
  • Carrying small objects in their hands
  • Pushing or pulling boxes
  • Turning the pages of a book while you read
  • Pointing at a toy to tell you that they want it
  • Stacking two or more blocks on top of each other
  • Holding a spoon during meals but struggling to get the spoon into their mouth
  • Recognizing themself in the mirror
  • Imitating older children
  • Following one-step directions, such as “Put this shirt in the laundry basket”

During this time, you’ll notice that your 14-month-old’s appetite is pretty much the same as it was last month. Your baby will continue to eat three meals per day with the rest of the family and have two to three snacks per day.2

Knowing how much food your 14-month-old needs during the day can be confusing, so here are some guidelines:3

  • 6 servings of grains per day (1 serving equals ½ slice of bread, ¼ cup of cereal, 1-2 crackers, or ¼ cup of pasta)
  • 2-3 servings of veggies per day (1 serving equals 1 tablespoon of cooked veggies)
  • 2-3 servings of fruit per day (1 serving equals ¼ cup of fruit)
  • 2-3 servings of dairy per day (1 serving equals ½ cup of milk, ½ ounce of cheese, or ⅓ cup of yogurt)
  • 2 servings of protein per day (1 serving equals 1 ounce of cooked meat, 2 tablespoons of ground meat, ½ egg, or 1 tablespoon of smooth peanut butter)
  • 16 ounces of whole milk, breast milk, or soy milk
  • Up to 8 ounces of water

Even with these guidelines, remember that your little one’s appetite will be different from day to day. Some days, they’ll eat more; some days, they’ll eat less. It’s important to follow their lead.3

You can continue transitioning your 14-month-old from formula to cow’s milk if you haven’t already, and either continue breast milk or start adding cow’s milk if you would like. Your toddler needs around 16 ounces of whole cow’s milk daily. Soy milk is an acceptable alternative if your toddler can’t have dairy. Avoid other plant-based milks, such as oat or rice milk, as they lack the protein, vitamins, and calcium your toddler needs.4

Your toddler will continue to work on drinking from a cup. If they have yet to start trying to drink from a cup, now is the time to introduce it. Having your toddler drink from an open cup by 2 years of age is recommended. Start by giving your toddler whole milk or breast milk in a cup during meals. Once they’re comfortable using a cup at meal times, swap out their naptime bottle with a cup of milk or water. Finally, remove their bottle from bedtime and give them another cup of milk or water with their bedtime snack.5

An infographic titled

Your toddler’s sleep patterns will remain relatively consistent throughout the next few months. Your 14-month-old needs 11-14 hours of sleep daily, including a two- to three-hour afternoon nap, allowing for longer wake windows. Some babies may still need a morning nap and an afternoon nap. Having a bedtime of 7:30 p.m. is still appropriate for your 14-month-old.6

Sleep regression isn’t typically standard at this age, but that doesn’t mean your 14-month-old won’t experience sleep regression. Every child is unique, so some may experience a regression, and some may not. Sleep regression occurs when your baby has difficulty falling and staying asleep. There are various causes of sleep regression, but the most common reasons include teething, illness, an adjustment to their daily schedule, and a significant life change, such as a change to their parents’ work schedule. The good news is that sleep regression only lasts an average of two to four weeks.7

The lack of sleep caused by sleep regression is hard on the whole family, but thankfully, there are ways you can help your little one overcome this hurdle. Sleep training is safe to do if your family chooses, but do what feels right to you.13 Some ways to sleep train include:7

  • Don’t let them sleep in your bed. (This can prolong the sleep regression period.)
  • Keep a consistent bedtime and bedtime routine.
  • Eliminate screen time before bed.
  • Incorporate relaxing activities into their bedtime routine, like bath time, reading, or singing soft lullabies.
  • Put them to bed when they’re drowsy but not yet asleep; this will help them learn to fall asleep on their own.
  • If they wake up at night, allow them to fuss for a few minutes before going in to comfort them. This will help them learn to self-soothe.
  • Instead of picking them up when they cry, reassure them while they’re still in their crib.
  • Ensure they have access to their favorite comfort items, such as a blanket or favorite stuffed animal.
A pink and orange chart titled "14 Month Old Sample Daily Schedule" details a 14-month-old's sleep schedule and activities by time: 7 AM Wake Up, 7:30 AM Breakfast, 8:30 AM Activity, 9:30 AM Mid-Morning Snack, 11:30 AM Lunch, Noon Nap Time, 3 PM Afternoon Snack, 4 PM Activity for

Maintaining a consistent schedule will help your little one navigate their world. It helps them anticipate what will happen next in their day and provides them with structure and stability, which aids in their development. Keep the same wake, meal, and nap times during the week and even on weekends. If your baby is taking one nap per day, that nap should start around 12 or 1 p.m. and typically last two to three hours. Keeping a bedtime around 7:30 p.m. is still acceptable for children of this age.6

A scheduled well-child check-up is unnecessary if your 14-month-old attended their one-year well-child check-up and received their vaccines.14 Some parents may wonder how much their 14-month-old should weigh, and because they may not see their doctor, it can be hard to know. By 15 months old, girls will weigh an average of 23 pounds, and boys will weigh an average of 24.5 pounds.8 Weighing your baby should be done at a doctor’s office and with close supervision/guidance.

Your baby will be exposed to many different illnesses as they grow and increase their interactions with other children. This will lead to your little one experiencing various childhood illnesses, such as the common cold, ear infections, viral infections, and the stomach flu. These illnesses can often be treated at home, but there are a few things to remember:9

  • Don’t give your baby any over-the-counter cold or cough medicine.
  • Treat a fever using Tylenol (acetaminophen) and ibuprofen. Follow the dosing instructions listed on the packaging.
  • Use saline nasal drops and a nasal aspirator to help with nasal congestion.
  • The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends treating any ear infection in children under 2 years old with antibiotics.

Some symptoms can be severe and warrant immediate medical attention. These symptoms include:10

  • They have a fever for three or more days, or it’s higher than 105 F.
  • Being quiet or overly sleepy
  • Rapid breathing or trouble breathing
  • Barking cough or harsh sounds when breathing
  • Pale, gray, or spotty skin
  • Hard to wake up or appears confused after waking
  • A change in their cry, such as crying more, being unable to be comforted, or not crying

If you have any other concerns about your toddler’s health, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor.

A woman is squatting on the floor, holding a white cloth and a spray bottle, while a baby in a diaper—proudly showcasing those important 14-month-old milestones—stands at the open door of a front-loading washing machine. Laundry is scattered on the floor in front of them.

Engaging your 14-month-old in fun and developmentally appropriate activities is a great way to help them reach their milestones. Some ways to engage your toddler include:11

  • Engaging them in a conversation by repeating the noises and words they make
  • Telling them the name of a toy before handing it to them
  • Allowing them to help with simple tasks, such as putting laundry in the hamper
  • Singing songs and incorporating moves for your baby to copy
  • Having a dance party
  • Reading books
  • Playing hide-and-seek
  • Teaching them wanted behaviors, such as how to touch an animal gently

Safety is a top priority, especially now that your toddler is on the move. Toddlers explore their world without fear, so it’s important that your toddler remains safe while they explore. Here are a few tips to help keep your toddler safe:12

  • Keep all cords, breakable items, medicines, household cleaners, choking hazards, and hot or sharp objects out of reach.
  • If your baby has consumed any harmful substance, contact Poison Control immediately at 1-800-222-1222.
  • Use safety gates at the top and bottom of all stairs.
  • Prevent drowning by keeping all toilet lids closed and supervising your baby while they’re in the bath or near water.
  • If guns are in the house, keep them unloaded and locked in a secure cabinet.
  • Use a rear-facing car seat, and place the car seat in the back seat.
  • Apply SPF 30 sunscreen before playing outside, and reapply every two hours.
  • Don’t smoke or allow others to smoke around your baby.

The journey through toddlerhood brings so many exciting new changes and milestones for your 14-month-old! Understanding their changing needs allows you to foster their growth and development. Embrace this adventure with love and patience, knowing each step brings new opportunities for joy.